Saturday, July 27, 2013

GoldenTours - Windsor Castle, Stonehenge, Oxford (Part II)

After Windsor Castle, our next stop was Stonehenge...and Parks and Recreation (the TV show)! I actually don't follow that show and wouldn't have recognized the actors. But I was with my suitemate who loves that show, so I just had to snap a few pictures of the filming of Parks and Recreation at Stonehenge. Guess I'll be watching that episode!!

Many birds seem to live on the stones.
Chris Pratt/Andy Dwyer 
Nick Offerman/Ron Swanson

Finally, we stopped by Oxford. Maybe it was because I was tired, but I didn't enjoy Oxford as much as I had imagined. It was a very pretty town.

Oxford Martyrs Memorial

JK Rowling's inspiration for Nearly Headless Nick (in the Bodleian library)

Bodleian library

Inspiration for Harry's scar

Einstein's original handwriting and chalkboard

 I don't understand the names of some English pubs...
Side note: walking home from the Tube station was the first time I've used my umbrella since coming here. That's a whole three weeks of barely any rain (except for one storm that I slept through). Crazy, RIGHT?!!

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